Rund um mein Austauschjahr


Make chocolate fair

  Yesterday I went to Vabaduse Väljak (Freedom Square in Tallinn) to Maailmapäev an event where organisations who are helping 3rd worlcountries introduce themselfs and going to promote their projects. I helped an organisation called Mondo with some friends and we promoted the project Make Chocolate Fair and these project is a campaign for fair trade chocolate. So we walked around and ask people for signatures for this campaign. I don´t how much signatures we had in end, but we had a lot!
Also there was a big stage where foreign bands played. I really liked the french band  Baloji. 

Have a good day, Grace


Mu eesti

Ma proovin täna kirjutan eesti keeles. Nii mu eesti keel on veel halb proovin.
Mul on ainult kolm nädalat kooli ja ainult kolmkümmend kuus päevad siin esstis. Oh oh see on nii vähe. Nüüd ma saan aru et eesti on parim! Mu aasta siin on väga lahe ja ma olen tänulik kõigile. Aitäh aitäh! Nüüd mu aasta ei ole enam ja siis on hästi. 
Ka kõik on roheline väljastpoolt eestis ja mu talvedepressioni on lõpuks ära (just kidding). Inimesed, täna oli kahekümne kraadi. Kas see on normaalne? Aga mulle meeldib kui keegi kannab talvel jakid enam!
Niikuinii, ma nautida nüüd igapäevane siin.

I think I told you some posts before that I went to Riga, Latvia... and at the way back to Tallinn I realized that an exchange year in estonia was probably my best decision I ever made. I realized how beautiful estonia is and I realized what it meant to me. I realized that I learned so much in this year, that I think different now and not anymore so superficial I did before in germany. I learned to take things how they come and to live with things how they are. I realized that I have to accept me how I am and to be myself anytime to live an happy life. 
Estonia is so pretty and I am so thankful to have even more than an month left to realize that estonia is even more beautiful. 

 Head päeva, Grace

“It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin



Days like this, Saturday 16/05/2015

I stood up early, around 8.00. Get myself ready and went then by bus to town. There, in the "Hipster- Part" Kalamaja (Kalamaja translated to english means Fish-House) was an event called Kalamaja päevad/Kalamaja Days. Anyways I went there to volunteer for YFU. I wasn´t there alone, also other exchange stundents joined and as well two estonians who went for exchange before a couple of years.
It was pretty cool and fun. 
You can probably also see on the pictures that Maja, Flurina and me ended also up at a flea market and shopped there some clothes. 
After this we went to oldtown, because my favorite french girl here in estonia had a concert and after this was finished we went to my place and made food together and talked. Around 23.00 some friends left my place to stay over night at Jennys place and Flurina and Maja stayed at my place.
On the moring after the others came back, beacuse they had kinda all the same way back to their places. We made pancakes together, watched a movie after this and then they left. 
In fact that so less days are left, we have to enjoy every second with each other! 

Have a nice evening, Grace 


An extra post for...

Isn´t it crazy if you meet your favorite estonian band by chance in another country?
Well,  mine and Maja did in Riga (!) at the bustation. After taking a picture with them we went screaming out of the central building by the busstation..some latvian people ask us if anything is alright with us...more than alright.
And it isn´t probably the most beautiful picture of mine, but I don´t care in this case!

South estonia // Riga

We exchangestudents had the chance to go for trip to south estonia and Riga, the capital of Latvia.

Our trip started on thursday, 7/05/15. We went first by train to Tartu and there we met all the other exchangestudents. YFU charted a bus with which we traveled further in the south. We visited two museums and for the night we stayed in a school. On next day we went by bus to Valga (a bigger town in estonia, directly on the border to latvia) from there we should actually took the train to get to Riga, but somehow there were problems and we had to take the Bus. It was kinda distracting..anyways in the end we reached Riga. We stayed over night in a hostel.
In Riga we exchange students were able to do what we want. So we explored Rige by our own on friday night and Saturday. On Saturday we had free time till 17.00 and then we had to take the bus back to Tallinn.

Have a nice motherdays` Sunday, Grace

(Pictures are taken by Majas Camera, here Blog: