On friday evening I went with the Tallinn exchangestudents by train to Jäneda. There we´ve met all the other awesome exchange students. Finally.
We stayed for two days at Jäneda kool (kool-school). It was actually pretty nice and so much fun. I have to say that I missed the YFU energizers and of course also the other exchangestudents which I haven´t saw for a while.
We had there some interesting Workshops, we talked about our family-life, friends, school and also about estonia in general. Also we made a bucket-list with activities or things we wanna do in the following months. I think I´m not going to say what I wrote down. :D
We also danced a lot, the dancing skills of us exchange students are awesome! I could show here some videos, but...
I could add actually some more things:
-the weather in Jäneda was lovely
-YFU Estonia is awesome
-YFU Exchangestudents are awesome
-We wrote a estonian test, my mark is a 2!
I hope I can show you in the next days better photos. The following are mostly selfies taken by people which stole my phone.
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