Rund um mein Austauschjahr


...und bald bin ich dann weg

...und bald bin ich dann weg, bin dann in Estland, endlich. Echt komisch wie schnell die Zeit vergeht.
Ab heute sind es nur noch 26 Tage...

"Wherever you go, there you are"

Two homes
nothing in between
But there you are, somewhere
You thought you’d come back
and you’d know who you are
but instead
you are even more confused

You are empty and aching
and you just don’t know why
No one seems to understand how you feel
no one seems to know what’s in your heart
and you’re there in the crowd
but alone

Not a single day passes by
without something reminding you
of your new, old, loved home
people that cross the street
look like that girl from you English class
you hear a song
and you’ve got the memory of Prom
stuck in your mind

You realize that you’re always defending
the place where you’ve lived
the people you’ve met
but later, when you’re alone again,
you realize that you’ve always defended
the city you live in now, your home,
the people you call here friends
and that somehow, you’d like to be both,
American and German

Old pictures, still not in order,
lying on the carpet in your bedroom
you know that you’ve got to close
that amazing chapter in your life
to be able to look forward
but you just don’t know how

Or maybe, you should just combine
old with new
but what is old, what is new?
You thought being back home
everything would come back to normal
but you forgot, that life is crazy itself
and that you can’t plan everything

You think of all the things you’ve learned
and you realize
that you’ll never stay on one spot
you are like a bird
So you start talking to yourself
"Wherever you go, there you are!",
you look out of the window
and smile

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